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Policy formulations for development interventions presently focus on qualitative dimensions of development and its  sustainability . The goal of growth with quality and equity, thus forms the basis of streamlining projects and programmes. Kerala, as in the case of many other sectors, is endowed with rich natural resource base coupled with favorable human development index. This situation warrants special attention while formulating development projects ie.the environmental costs/benefits are to  be properly accommodated in developmental decision making  and appropriate policy instruments are to be suggested that suit the social and political behavior of the region. This  necessitates adequate research support and trained human  resource    and a body for effective linkage between researchers and policy makers.

The changing social and legal systems also pose great challenges and call for interventions by environmental economists. The Food safety and Standards Act, The Organic Farming policy, and waste management challenges are a few among them. The threat of climate change and demographic pressure on the quality and quantity of already shrinking resource base is a matter of great concern.

Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics is proposed in this background to undertake this task of management of  diverging interests and aid in the development strides of the state of Kerala.