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Environmental Quality Management

EIA exercises demand large volume of quality base line data the status of the environmental/natural resources.There are attempts by different agencies and researchers, on quality assessment of natural resources and environment. These studies are not properly compiled to get a view of the present status of  these resources in the state of Kerala. There are certain areas where adequate research intervention is not there as well. Hence this programme is planned as a continuing programme to compile the studies  already done on this aspect, identify the gaps if any  and undertake the research work to fill the  gap, wherever possible. To begin with, the compilation of information will be attempted .

The sectors  to be  covered  include water, air, forests, biodiversity, homegardens, soil, minerals, etc.

To start with the data base generation on mangroves of Kerala will be started. Currently there is no realistic estimate on the extent and spread of mangroves in the state . The project plans to compile all the studies conducted in Kerala on mangroves and develop a strong data base . The estimate on area will be attempted with the help of google maps and physical verification wherever  necessary.The collaberation of agencies/institutions like KFRI, State Biodiversity Board,CMFRI, Remote Sensing Organisation will also be sought for this purpose.