Water Resources
- Qualitative dimensions of water resources and value of externalities
- Evaluation and impact assessment of water related projects(Irrigation/watershed development)
- Groundwater depletion and economics of groundwater recharge.
- Social cost benefit analysis of soil nutrient management.
- Water scarcity, Adaptive strategies, social behavior and Water markets
- Water use efficiency and sustainability across methods of extraction, irrigation, property rights and use.
- River systems and water sharing
Land Resources
- Property rights ,land productivity and land markets
- Social cost benefit analysis of development alternatives and land use changes
- Agrarian and other institutional reforms and their impact on land management, valuation and markets.
- Economics of soil and water conservation in different property regimes to land.
- Economic approaches to encroachment, depletion and conservation of CPRs.
Air Quality monitoring and air pollution levels
- Economic costs of pollution
Agricultural Systems
- Farming systems and environmental quality impacts
- Agricultural trade and quality concerns
- Food safety and standards regulations and agricultural production systems
- Economic impact of natural resource intensive agriculture on environment, trade, other natural resources.
- Agrochemicals and environmental quality
- Economics of sustainable agriculture methods (organic farming, traditional and indigenous agricultural technologies, systems, practices).
- Economic analysis of energy issues in agriculture.
- Environmental impact of agricultural waste, reuse and recycling.
- Conservation Vs Production forestry
- Economic analysis of forest plantations and agroforestry systems.
- Forest policies in the context of sustainability, tribal security.
- Valuation of biodiversity, forest products, services in westren ghats and other fragile regions.
- Social-cost benefit analysis of developmental projects on forest ecosystem.
- Ecotourism
- Mangroves,sacred groves and homegardens
Fishery resources
- Marine and inland fisheries management and optimal extraction.
- Poverty environment nexus among fishermen population
- Environmental regulations(coastal Zone regulation) and fishermen livelihhoods
Livestock resources
- Interlinkages of agriculture livestock economy
- Traditional breeds ,genetic conservation and policy approaches
- Food safety and quality concerns
- Climate change impacts on and from livestock sector
Mineral wealth
- Mineral extraction and development alternatives
- Environmental and livelihood impacts of mineral extraction
Climate Change
- Economic Impact of climate change on primary sectors
- Climate change, vulnerability and adaptive strategies
- Policy prescriptions for climate management
Waste management
- Waste management in urban and rural settings
- Social attitude and WTP for waste management
- Role of LSGs in waste management
- Policy interventions and institution building for NRs conservation and environment management.
- Contribution of gender in natural resource conservation and management and other gender issues in resource conservation.
- Market and non market based instruments in environmental management
This is not an exhaustive list, but a broad indicative one to mention some potential researchable areas.