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Winter school

ICAR Sponsored Winter School- “Natural Resource Management Strategies in a Climate Change Scenario”

  • 12th November – 2nd December, 2013, (21 days)

  • Designed to impart an understanding on the state of natural resources of India and the damage to ecosystem functions due to its depletion in quality and quantity.

  • There were 23 participants for the programme. [Himachal Pradesh-1,Jammu and Kashmere-2,Gujarat-1,Maharashtra-3 (Parbhani,Akola,Nagpur),Andhra Pradesh-1,Karnataka-1,Pondichery-1,TamilNadu-7(Madurai, Trichy, Coimbatore, Srivilliputtur, Tirur, Mettupalayam ) and the rest from Kerala (University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and KAU)].

  • The resource persons were drawn from ICAR, Kerala Agricultural University, TERI and like reputed institutions, civil society activists like Dr. V.S Vijayan, Salim Ali Foundation and Mr. Sreedhar, Thanal


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Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics
Kerala Agricultural University
Department of Agricultural Economics
College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara
Thrissur Kerala 680656